I was reading
on my one of my favorite blogs the other day and saw this idea. I was moved to make a couple of these to take along to the Pittsburgh Pirates game that our church's Young Adult class was attending last evening. I only spent probably $7-8 each on them. I included some toiletry freebies or almost freebies(from my past deals and hotel complimentary items), fast food coupons from the newspapers, a Bible from the Dollar Store, a few packaged snack items from our pantry, and a $5 giftcard to McDonalds.
Mike and I handed both of them out within the first block on our walk back to our parked car after the game. We didn't stay and talk but simply said "Here's a little something for you." We pray that the Lord led those two particular individuals to us and that they may be touched in some way spiritually through our small act.
I know that I often fail to reach out to share the gospel with others and sometimes don't know what to do when coming across needy/homeless people on the street. From living in the city, I know just handing them money isn't always the best thing to do, and, inviting them to share lunch with you or engaging in a long conversation with them isn't always practical. So, this is an idea for how you may be able to touch their lives in a different way...I thought it was kinda cool :)
If you'd like to make your own Blessing Bags, this is what you would need:
(This is from the above blog post with a few of my own changes/additions)
Gallon size Ziploc bags along with items to go in the bags, such as:
(Watch for these items…on clearance, weekly sales, in the travel size section, free samples by mail or $ store)
chap stick
packages of tissues
toothbrush and toothpaste
soap or shampoo (double bag soap to contain the fragrance)(like I said hotel complimentaries are good)
snacks such as granola bars, crackers, snack packs of fruit, instant oatmeal (include a plastic spoon)
band aids
warm socks, gloves
bottle of water
laundry soap and some quarters
gift card for fast food or grocery store, pharmacy, Goodwill, etc or a bus pass
*Consider whether or not the homeless individual may/may not have access to a homeless shelter where there would be running water/showers.
Assemble all the items in the bags, and be sure to add a note of encouragement or consider a pocket sized Bible, maybe a copy of "Our Daily Bread," information about a local church or places the individual can receive additional help. Seal the bags and stow in your car for a moment of providence. Pray about these from the time you gather the items to include in the bags through the time after they have been handed out.
Even if you can’t afford to fill a few complete bags of your own since these items do add up quickly if you pay full price, this would be a great activity to do with some other families. Break it down so that each family could bring one or two of the items going into the bags (ex: toothbrushes).