However, as I was doing my research I discovered that drinking milk (especially cow's milk) in adulthood is not universal to all cultures. (see here) In fact, in many cultures including those renowned to be the healthiest in the world, (a couple are mentioned here in this article) people do not consume milk past infancy and do not consume large amounts of cow's milk as we do in the US.

Others have agreed that dairy consumption is overemphasized in the North American diet and on the USDA Food Pyramid. Many physicians would agree that some children and adults would benefit by altering their diets to limit or exclude dairy products. There is anecdotal evidence that eliminating casein (milk protein) from the diet may significantly improve behavior in children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Scientific research is looking into that link.
Other children and adults are unable to digest and absorb lactose (milk sugar) due to deficiency of the lactase enzyme which results in gastrointestinal symptoms.

Others believe that the amount of calcium and vitamin D that an individual requires (therefore the importance of dairy) may depend on factors such as protein intake (high protein diets require higher calcium intake) and sun exposure (which is important for the synthesis of vitamin D). See this link again for more about osteoporosis in different cultures. Maybe factors such as these would explain why people in certain cultures can be very healthy while consuming very little or no milk.
So what can we make of all of this? I will say that personally I love milk. I would usually prefer a glass of milk over a glass of water. And without consciously planning out a diet plan, I would have no problem drinking milk and meeting the 3 servings of dairy a day (I like yogurt also). However, lately, I have been leaning toward making sure that I do not have more than 3 servings a day (preferably only 2) for a few reasons....

Secondly, while there appears to be some evidence that drinking milk and eating yogurt regularly can help in weight loss, milk and other dairy products do contain calories and may contain significant levels of saturated fat. This chart illustrates the difference in calories in whole milk vs. low-fat vs. skim.
Thirdly, symptoms of mild milk intolerance may be mild and include but not limited to symptoms such as abdominal bloating, excessive intestinal gas, excessive rumbling, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, or abdominal cramping. From my understanding, it appears there are degrees of lactose intolerance and even a person who has significant lactase enzyme to digest milk may have symptoms if large amounts or "too much" dairy is consumed.
In the last couple months, I have discovered that vanilla rice milk is very delicious. Others have preference for soy milk or almond milk, but I like the taste of rice milk the best and I felt rice milk may be the best choice for me due to the "estrogen factor". Rice milk does not contain casein or lactose and is lower in phosphorus than cow's milk. (Too much or too little phosphorus may play a role in development of osteoporosis.) So, my decision to try to decrease cow's milk by alternating it with rice milk and yogurt and other vegetable sources of calcium, is really because I think researchers and medical doctors are still trying to figure all of this out. And, until then, by varying foods, I think that diversifies the nutrients that are being consumed to hopefully lessen the chances of an excess or deficiency in any one particular nutrient. And, not that I had any reason to suspect lactose intolerance, but I wanted to see if I noticed any change in mild symptoms that are often hard to pinpoint (basically just generally feeling better) when I limited my consumption of cow's milk to only 1-2 servings a day rather than what was sometimes probably more than 3 (I am not saying to just avoid dairy all together unless you have discussed this with a physician and dietician - I still usually consume 2-3 servings of dairy all together each day just not all as cow's milk). I am still trying to decide if there is any difference, but I think possibly I do feel better (maybe it is related to something else though?).
So, in conclusion...getting nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D is very important. Three servings of milk and dairy may be the best way to get those nutrients for most people in the US - that is what the USDA Food Pyramid recommends (that is exactly 3 servings however, not a minimum recommendation like when we were talking about fruits and vegetables). Three servings of milk/dairy products may be especially important for growing children and teenagers. But, if you have any undiagnosed symptoms, high risk for osteoporosis or certain diagnosed disorders, there may be better alternatives, and you should discuss these with a physician or dietician to develop a nutritional plan. Don't try to diagnose yourself or make major dietary changes like excluding a food group without talking with a physician or dietician. Hopefully, research will continue to look at the role of milk/dairy products in the diet and we will have more answers to some of these questions in the future...
Can you ever "turn around" the lactose intolerance? If you always had the dairy then for a few years you couldn't tolerate any and then started drinking milk, etc and build up that tolerance again?
Just curious....
Good question, Joni...there is a difference between lactose intolerance, problems digesting casein and milk allergy. Can you eat yogurt? Have you tried rice milk? How much milk do you usually drink and what kind of symptoms do you have? Lactaid tablets contain the enzyme that is needed for digestion of milk...but, I would talk to your doctor. There may just be ways to change your diet without medication. For example, most lactose-intolerant people can eat yogurt without difficulty. I don't think you could build up a tolerance like you were asking about but maybe it is possible if the intolerance was due to something like an illness that had resolved. It may be something to play around with...maybe you can email me more specifics...
actually - it was just a question out of curiosity. :)
I used to drink TONS of milk (at least it seemed - every meal) growing up and then when I went to college - I started having stomach problems and one doctor thought lactose intolerance b/c it seemed to effect me MOST when trying to eat/drink dairy...since I didn't have as much milk as what I was used to. But now, I have milk daily, eat Activia yogurt, eat ice cream in the summers and don't seem to have any problems. The Activia alone has helped with a lot of my "issues" (IBS specifically)...
But I didn't know if that was possible...when I moved back home - it seemed like I could have skim milk with no problems and now I'm back to 2%...
Oh - and I did even better this week with healthy vs. unhealthy foods... :)
Got 2 bags of apples, bag of oranges, celery, carrots, lettuce, broccoli, cucumbers....a few different crackers in place of chips (forgot to check back to see your answer to the question...) and then juice and such...and chicken! :) haha
I was proud of myself that half of the stuff was "FRESH" fruit and veggies...we're both trying...hehe
Interesting...probably not really lactose intolerance unless it was a temporary thing due to some intestinal illness or something. Another thought which I just read but really didn't apply b/c it was talking more about raw (unpasteurized) milk - maybe there was some difference in the way the milk that was served at school was processed (different dairy) than in Western PA dairies? There is one brand around here that I think definitely tastes different.
I am glad to hear about the change in diet...I know it's hard, but I think it will help with some of the different symptoms you have had. I am believing more and more that a lot of the diseases that we deal with can be "treated" with basic good health rather than medications which often complicate matters. Hopefully you will notice some change in how you feel - if not at least you know it is still good for you in the long run.
The yogurt alone is a huge step. I try not to take any medications unless absolutely necessary...and I find myself taking less and less....my biggest deal right now is anxiety...but that won't get solved through food...only through comfort with God. :)
I just didn't drink much milk in college...the only "dairy" I had mainly was ice cream. I'm sure it was more of my eating habits than anything....wasn't always fond of college food...oh well. :)
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