I stopped by the "new" Carpenter Shop today because I had heard good things. I was pleased to find exactly what I was looking for and ended up with 2 books (list price $19.99 each) which look brand new for a total of $8.54. Some of their books are clearly "used" looking (although good condition) but others could pass as new. And their used Bibles (which look like new except for maybe looking a little older) are free! It was a lot like a thrift store - hit or miss...but today I was pleased with my finds (and I usually don't have much luck in thrift stores)! So, I'm sure I'll stop back again...
*For anyone who is not from Ashland and does not know what the Pump House is all about, you can read a little bit here. There is also a great and inspiring story behind how it came into being. The founder had a vision that God would someday build a ministry through him and that the facility/property where the Pump House is now located would be given to him for this ministry to reach out to the community. Many people doubted him and many people thought he was crazy when he turned down an offer to purchase the Myers Pump facility/property because he felt so strongly that God was going to give him all of that property at no cost somehow. Well as it turns out, that is exactly what happened and with perfect timing, (due to a financial benefit to the owners through a tax writeoff) the owners agreed to donate the property to him for nothing! Ever since then the vision has been growing and now there are several facets to the Pump House Ministries, including the Pump House Grille, Thrift Store, Bookstore, Work Re-entry Program (job skills and training in the factory and other programs), Men's Shelter, Bible Studies, Easter dinners open to the community, Food Pantry and housing for the twice-a-week Christian Health Clinic. When I think about the story and how God has used this ministry to touch so many people's lives, I am amazed! What a great God we serve!
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