4 And, yesterday was my 3 year "anniversary" (as my oncologist calls it) as a breast cancer survivor.
So this weekend was kind of a celebration of life.
I praise God for the gift of life that he has granted. And, I praise him for my hope of eternal life...
Let the praises ring!!!
Oh Lord my God in you i put my trust
Oh Lord my God in you i put my hope
Oh Lord my God in you i put my trust
ohh yes I do
Oh Lord my God in you i put my hope in you
In you
In you I find my peace
In you
In you I find my strength
In you, I live and move and breath
Let everything I say and do
Be founded by my faith in you
I lift up holy hands and sing
let the praises ring
Oh Lord my God to you I give my hands
Oh Lord my God to you I give my feet
Oh Lord my God to you I give my everything
Take all I am
Oh Lord my God to you I give my life
In you
In you I find my peace
In you
In you I find my strength
In you, I live and move and breath
Let everything I say and do
Be founded by my faith in you
I lift up holy hands and sing
let the praises ring..
Artist: Lincoln Brewster
Listen here
"Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.
I will praise you as long as I live,
and in your name I will lift up my hands."
Psalm 63:3,4
YEA! "congrats" on the 3 years - didn't realize it was that long but yeah, duh....after our wedding! That's exciting and definitely something to celebrate every year!!!!
Glad you enjoyed your weekend and I'm sure the weekend with Steve alone was entertaining! :)
love you!
We SO are celebrating your life too, Jen!! God is indeed kind and gracious. We can see clearly the work God has done in your heart and life in these last 3 years too. All Praise to Him!! (We hope you got our card.) We were thinking of you all weekend and the kids wanted to have cake with you. Perhaps next year??? And BTW, we are grateful for Lincoln Brewster's music as well - we like so many of his songs! lv you! ~ Julie
so thankful I have gotten to pray & praise with you in this healing journey! What a gift! I realize I only "know" you through Mike, but as I have ben praying with you these years I feel like I am getting to know you better. God is so good Eph 3:20!!
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