So, my brother-in-law asked us at Thanksgiving to go around the table and tell everyone what our favorite Christmas song was. It was very hard to pick just one. Since then, I've been trying to remember all of those wonderful Christmas songs that I love to listen to but often get forgotten (I seem to hear the same songs over and over on the radio). As I pulled out my CDs for this Christmas season, I made a list of my favorites, including the ones that are not quite as well-known. So, here's my compilation so far (not necessarily in any order), some classical, traditional, hymns, carols, others contemporary/worship, mostly likely at least a few that you aren't familiar with...check out any that you aren't familiar with on
www.youtube.com, maybe you'll find a new favorite:
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee (Ode to Joy)
O Holy Night
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
Christmas Offering
Angels We Have Heard On High
Mary, Did you Know
Carol of the Bells
The Gift
When Love Came Down (Point of Grace)
O Come All Ye Faithful
Christmas Canon
Let There Be Light (Point of Grace)
Breath of Heaven
In the First Light
Little Town (Point of Grace)
For Unto Us
Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah
All is Well
Emmaneul (Chris Tomlin)
My Soul Magnifies the Lord (Chris Tomlin)
Joy to the World/Unspeakable Joy (Chris Tomlin)
Glory in the Highest (Chris Tomlin)
Light of the World (Chris Tomlin)
Winter Snow (Chris Tomlin)
Born That We May Have Life (Chris Tomlin)
Jesus, Born on this Day (Mariah Carey)
Jesus, Oh What a Wonderful Child (Mariah Carey)
What Child is This
Hope is Born Again (Jim Brickman/Point of Grace)
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
Angels from the Realms of Glory
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
The First Noel
O Little Town of Bethlehem (especially verse 4)
Silent Night (especially verse 2 & 3)
I also enjoy singing all of the verses of each of the carols...the additional verses are some of my favorites.
Anyone with other favorites?
A few favorites are listed on the Play list below. (I can only get 9 on there at a time) Enjoy! (You can still listen while viewing other sites if you minimize the window and they will keep playing)