(** Disclaimer: I know girls this is not good for our Biggest Loser)
Other deals of the week:
CVS - Stride Spark or Trident Vitality gum = Free after rebate
Shop and Save - Fresh boneless chicken breast $1.88/lb
Martins - Double $1 coupons
These are the ones that I saw to use...Seventh Generation dish soap $2.99 - $1 coupon doubled = $.99,
Starbucks ice cream (pint) 2/$6 - $1 coupon doubled = $1,
Pringles 2/$3 - $1 coupon off 3 doubled = 3/$4,
So Delicious Coconut Milk 1/2 gallon $3.99 - $1 coupon doubled = $1.99, and
Snyder pretzel sandwiches $3.49 - $1 coupon doubled = $1.49.
There were probably other deals if I would have time to search for $1 printable coupons. I just looked at the ones I had to see which were worth using.